Early CAV injection pump plate data


These pumps fall into two main categories – enclosed camshaft pumps (BPE) and flange
mounted pumps (BPF), BPB pumps may be fitted with mechanical pneumatic or combined

a) Enclosed Camshaft Pumps

A typical stamping is BPE6B90S420/3S6168XE

B – British Made
P – Injection Pump
E – Enclosed camshaft type
6 – Number of pumping elements
B – Pumps size letter (i)
90 – Element plunger diameter
S – Design, change letter (iv)
420 – Assembly numbers (ii)
/3 – Index number indicating fitment of blanking cover instead of feed pump
S6168 – Special features number

XE – Suffix letters (iii)

i) Pump size letters, and element plunger diameters in tenths of mm.

A = 7 mm. plunger stroke 40, 50, 60, 65 (iv)
B = 10mm. plunger stroke 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100
Z = 12mm. plunger stroke 100, 110, 120, 130, 140
C = 15mm. plunger stroke 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 180

ii) Assembly numbers (BPE pumps) only

Hundreds figures:

Camshaft notch at No.l end. (when facing inspection cover) No fuel feed pump flange on pump housing

Camshaft notch at No. 2 end. (when facing inspection cover) No fuel feed pump flange on pump housing

Camshaft notch at No.l end. (when facing inspection cover) Fuel feed pump can be fitted

Camshaft notch at No.2 end. (when facing inspection cover) Fuel feed pump can be fitted

Ten figures:

0 – Without governor
1 – With governor at No.l end
2 – With governor at No.2 end

Unit figures:
0 – Without Injection advance device
1 – with injection advance, device at No.l end
2 – With injection advance device at No.2 end

iii.) Suffix letters at end of symbol

X – Fully supported delivery valve washers used in conjunction with reduced volume delivery valves
E – Standard excess fuel device fitted
EL – Non standard excess fuel device fitted
M – External components marine finished (This suffix is Used on all fuel injection products)

iv) Design change letter “P” or “R” as allied to BPA pumps only, indicates the use of a pump housing suitable for the “P” range of stepped barrel elements in diameters.7.0, 7.5, 8.0 and 9.0mm

b) Flange mounted pumps

A typical stamping is BFF(R)1B70B00

B – British made
P – Injection punp
F – Flange mounted
(R) – Enclosed tappet and control rod
1 – No.of pumping elements
B – Pump size letter (i)
70 – Element plunger diameter
B – Design change letter
00 – Flange symbol (ii)

c) Mechanical governors (For BPE-A and BPE-B pumps)

A typical stamping for an idling and maximum speed governor is BR200/900BH624

B – British made
R – Regulator
200 – Average idling speed (pump r.p.m.)
/ – Dividing stroke (i)
900 – Maximum speed (pump r.p.m.)
B – Size of pump to which governor is fitted
H – Design change letter
624 – Special features number (ii)

When a letter “X” is substituted for the dividing stroke between speeds the govenor is for single speed applications, where the idling speed is not critical. The dividing stroke or letter “X” indicates no governing between
quoted speeds
A letter “F” after the special features number indicates the fitment of a gauze filter in the inlet connection

When speeds are quoted as e.g. BR250-500/975AJ7
this represents a “long idling range” governor, idling between 250 and 500 pump r.p.m and maximum governing at 975 pump r.p.m.
A typical stamping for a variable speed governor is BRV225-750BD629

Pneumatic Governors (For BPE-A and BPE-B pumps)

A typical stamping is BEP/MZ80B116

B – British, made
EP – Pneumatic governor
/ – Dividing stroke
M – Diaphragm type
Z – Idling adjustment symbol (i)
80 – Diameter of diaphragm in mm
B Size-of pump to which-governor is fitted
116 – Special features -lumber (ii)

Idling adjustment symbol

N – Cam adjustment
Z – Set screw adjustment

i) A design change letter may be inserted before the letters ‘MN” eg. BEP/AMN80B116

ii) The letter “S” after the special features number indicates that screw fixing, of the governor housing to the pump, is employed in place of the now standard stud fixing


A completely different type symbol formula has been introduced for this range of pumps. The pump nameplate bears a long stamping giving the pump number and also
the governor number. The governor nameplate bears the governor stamping only, with the addition of a speed range symbol in the case of mechanical governors.

a) Typical stampings are NL6E80/8GRHD4C1 – NNL6E90/65MGLVW3M – NL4E75/80GRP4 – NNR6E80/74GLWA3

b) Pump stamping NNL6E80/8G

N – Basic type of pump
N – Uprated version
L – Camshaft assembly (i)
6 – No, of pumping lines
E – Design change letter
80 – Element plunger dia (ii)
/ – Dividing stroke
8 – Individual features number
G – Governor fitted (iii)

Camshaft assembly letters “L” or ’’R” indicate:

“L” – Notched end of camshaft at L.H end (when facing inspection cover)
“R” – Notched end of camshaft at R.H end (when facing inspection cover)

Looking from inspection cover side of pump

Element plunger diameters in tenths of mm

50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90 or 100

The letter “G” is not strictly part of the pump formula but is inserted to separate the pump from the governor symbol

c) Governor stampings

There are three main types of governor suitable for fitment to the “N” type pump:

hydraulic (H), pneumatic (P) and flyweight (W)

Their type formulae arc derived as follows:

d) Hydraulic Governor (for “N” pump)

A typical stamping is RHD4C1

R – L or R indicates end of pump to which governor is fitted
H – Governor type
D – Design change letter
4 – Individual features number
C – C – Clockwise A – Anti-clockwise (Rotation looking at driving end of pump)
1 – Test data code number

e) Pneumatic Governor (For “N” and “AA” pumps)


R – L or R indicates end of pump to which governor is fitted
P – Governor type
E – Built in excess fuel device
4 – Individual features number

f) Mechanical Governor (For “N” and “AA” pumps) LWA3

L – L or R indicates end of pump to which governor is fitted
W – Governor type (i)
A – Design change letter
3 – Individual features number

i) “W” indicates an idling and maximum speed governor:
“VW” indicates a variable speed governor

ii) Governed speed range is quoted separately on governor type label (see notes BR and BRV governors re speed ranges)


A type symbol formula similar to that adopted for the “N” type pump has been adopted for the “AA” type pumps. ”AA” pimps may be fitted with mechanical or
pneumatic governors. A typical stamping is AAL6A75/IELGRP4

AA – Basic type of pump
L – Camshaft assembly (i)
6 – No.of pumping lines
A – Design change letter
75 – Element plunger dia (ii)
/ – Dividing stroke
1 – Individual features number
E – Standard excess fuel device fitted
E – Non-standard excess fuel device fitted (The letter “A” instead of “L” indicates automatic excess fuel device fitted)
G – Governor fitted (iii)

i) Camshaft assembly letters looking on inspection cover side of pump “L” or “R” indicate:

L – notched end of camshaft at L.H. end (when facing inspection cover)
R – notched end of camshaft at R.H. end (when facing inspection cover)

ii) Element plunger diameters in tenths of mm. 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 or 90












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