Occasionally we have used pumps and parts to clear. These are sometimes obsolete and hard to find parts. These items are sold in good working order but we do not offer any warranty with them
If you require serviceable salvaged parts for Lucas CAV DPA, DPC and DPS pumps, also CAV BPE, Minimec and Majormec we may have it.
Bosch CP1 Pump USED Parts (23)
Bosch CP3 Pump USED Parts (14)
Bosch CP4 Pump USED Parts (17)
Bosch Inline Governor USED Parts (5)
Bosch PE Inline Pump USED Parts (6)
Bosch VE Pump USED Parts (50)
CAV BPE-A Pump USED Parts (36)
CAV BPE-B Pump USED Parts (19)
CAV BPF-A Pump USED Parts (14)
CAV DP15 Pump USED Parts (2)
CAV DPA Hydraulic Pump USED Parts (97)
CAV DPA Mechanical Pump USED Parts (83)
CAV Simms Majormec USED Parts (50)
CAV Simms Minimec USED Parts (68)
Lucas CAV DPC Pump USED Parts (7)
Lucas CAV DPS Pump USED Parts (83)
Lucas Delphi DP200 USED Parts (21)