Our replacement seals allow you to replace the faulty seals within your Bosch CP3 fuel pump.
It is a common fault for the seals, gaskets and o rings to deteriorate within the CP3 fuel pump leading to leaks around the pump which is an MOT failure. These pumps operate at extremely high pressures so even the smallest deterioration in a seal can lead to substantial fuel leaks and associated vehicle faults.
This comprehensive kit contains all the variations of drive seals and transfer pump seals and is ideal if you don’t know your pump number. We also stock more specific cheaper kits for CP3 pumps with less parts
Fits the following pumps:
0445010012, 0445010016, 0445010020, 0445010026, 0445010029, 0445010031, 0445010033, 0445010034, 0445010035, 0445010036, 0445010039, 0445010040, 0445010041, 0445010042, 0445010043, 0445010044, 0445010045, 0445010047, 0445010048, 0445010051, 0445010052, 0445010073, 0445010074, 0445010075, 0445010076, 0445010078, 0445010081, 0445010082, 0445010084, 0445010085, 0445010086, 0445010087, 0445010088, 0445010089, 0445010090, 0445010091, 0445010093, 0445010094, 0445010095, 0445010096, 0445010098, 0445010099, 0445010101, 0445010103, 0445010104, 0445010105, 0445010106, 0445010107, 0445010108, 0445010110, 0445010111, 0445010112, 0445010113, 0445010114, 0445010115, 0445010117, 0445010119, 0445010120, 0445010121, 0445010125, 0445010126, 0445010127, 0445010134, 0445010135, 0445010141, 0445010143, 0445010144, 0445010145, 0445010146, 0445010149, 0445010152, 0445010153, 0445010167, 0445010168, 0445010189, 0445010190, 0445010194, 0445010210, 0445010211, 0445010213, 0445010214, 0445010228, 0445010244, 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